
4.5 ( 3545 ratings )
ミュージック エンターテインメント
開発者 Alaeddine Ghribi
0.99 USD

With SongLyrics, you can get the lyrics of your favourites songs instantly, and with just few taps.

If youre unsure of what lyrics should you display, SongLyrics can display the hottest 33 songs lyrics(selected by the number of users access).

In addition, there is a top 100(all time) song lyrics.
You can choose to display top 10 years(decade) songs, or you can choose the top year lyrics option.

Last but not least, SongLyrics can display the top albums. You select your favourite album, you have the album songs thus youll have their lyrics.
SongLyrics supports also the ability to display all time top albums.

You like a song, its lyrics, want an instant access to it, mark it as favourite and enjoy singing it.

You also have the ability to search for any song you want thanks to the powerful tweaked search engine.

With a super lightweight application(less than 1M), you can access to a thousand of songs lyrics in a fast, super ergonomic way!

SongLyrics is iOS7 optimized!

Noticement: Due to copyright restrictions, lyrics will be displayed in a web page.